Down-Ballot Pain

Hillary Clinton has pulled far, far ahead of Barack Obama in New Hampshire.  And that’s bad news for us as Democrats.  Why?  Well, think of it this way:

In order to win Congressional and Senate races in the more “purple” states, we need someone at the top of the ticket whose presence energizes in a positive way.  In 2004, down-ballot Dems had to run away from John Kerry, who was a liability.  Hillary is hated throughout middle America, and will not be able to appear with candidates at fundraisers or any other event.  If Hillary gets the nomination, she might squeak by with the presidency, but we will lose many, many races down-ballot.  Somebody stop her . . . please!!!!!!!!!

3 thoughts on “Down-Ballot Pain”

  1. While I’m no Hillary supporter (I’m praying for Gore to change his mind and run), I seriously find this “downballot pain” argument to be very false. I’ve seen recent polls showing Clinton competitive in purple states, hardly “hated”.

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